Physical Education

Armadale Primary School has a Physical Education specialist to teach the Years 1-6, as well as organize a  range of whole school sports activities.

Research shows that regular exercise can improve an individual’s health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Physical Education does not only teach the physical skills involved in sports; it helps build resiliency, and promote cooperative team mentalities. This teaches students to challenge themselves continually and to support their classmates.

Armadale Primary School recognises this variety of benefits and helps to support its student population as they develop throughout their school careers.

Our Physical Education program provides students from Year 1 through to Year 6 an opportunity to experience a wide range of national and international sports. Students in the Lower Primary, Pre-Primary – Year 2, will focus on developing their fundamental movement skills, locomotor and stationery, which are coordination based. Middle and Senior Primary, Years 3 – 6, looks at integrating these skills into a variety of sports throughout the year. While incorporating these skills in game situations, students in Years 3 – 6 are also challenged with intra-personal and inter-personal athletics skills. They learn game strategies and different techniques for working cooperatively with their classmates. This take on athletics allows students to practice their TRIBES Agreements—showing their Mutual Respect for their classmates while giving Appreciations and constructive comments to help the classes take ownership of their learning. Each year, students put these skills into practice by participating in a variety of sporting opportunities:

  • Swimming Lessons
  • Faction Swimming Carnival
  • Lapathon
  • Interschool Swimming Carnival
  • Interschool Lightning Carnival
  • Faction Cross Country Carnival
  • Interschool Cross Country Carnival
  • Faction Athletics Carnival
  • Interschool Athletics Carnival
  • Lower, Middle and Upper School Sports
  • Hopperoos
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