The Armadale Primary School Canteen is organised and operated by the P&C Association with the support of a wonderful group of volunteers.
Opening times
The canteen is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, for recess and lunch.
Food can be ordered online via the Spriggy Schools App or by visiting the canteen in the morning between 8.10am and 8.45am.
The traffic light system
The canteen follows the ‘Traffic Light’ healthy eating programme, which is reflected in our menu.
RED Foods – Are foods that are deemed unhealthy and do not appear on our menu.
AMBER Foods – Are foods that are available in small quantities.
GREEN Foods – Are foods that are encouraged and promoted to be eaten daily.
Our canteen would not be able to run if it was not for the support of our generous volunteers. If you have a few hours to spare and would like to support our school please visit our friendly Canteen Manager during canteen opening hours.